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Response code & Errors

All Quantium APIs responses are in JSON format with HTTP status codes to indicate the result status. The response status codes follow a common list of HTTP status code

Most of the successful request to Quantium APIs will get a return status code as 200 (OK), whereas other unsuccessful requests can return the following status codes

Status codeDescriptionTroubleshooting
204No contentThis status code indicates that the APIs have successfully process your requests but there is no data to response.

Some data modification APIs can return this code .e.g. Create / Update endpoints.
401UnauthorizedMake sure you have send a bearer token in the request header and the token is not expired.
404Not foundThis means the API request path is not available or a given ID passed as parameter doesn't exist in your database.
400Bad requestYou may have given a wrong parameter format or invalid request body. A common example of this error is a wrong date format provided to the API.

For endpoints that don't require any parameters. This could means you have given the wrong token to the API.
403ForbiddenYou don't have access to the particular endpoint.
500Internal ErrorThis code indicates that the APIs have failed to process your request due to reasons provided in the response body.