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Fund vehicle cashflow and IRR

API Reference : Fund vehicle cashflow


Fund vehicle cash flow result consists of 3 parts:

  1. Investor level cash flow: The result is under the nested object name investorIrr
  2. Fund level cashflow: The result is under the nested object name fundIrr
  3. Deal-by-deal cash flow: The result is under the nested object name dealByDealIrr

Within each nested IRR object, there is the information of investor entity net IRR, fund vehicle gross IRR, NAV, FMV and accrued carry to GP calculated in waterfall tiers as of a selected date. Properties description are as below:

Investor level cash flow

The section refers to a fund vehicle's capital transaction cash flows (i.e. capital call, distribution), NAV and IRR information.

Field nameDescription
fundVehicleNameName of the fund vehicle
investorNameName of the investor entity
investmentFmvOrNavNAV => For Investor level cashflow
netIrrInternal rate of return using all capital call & distribution related cash flows and NAV before carried interest deduction of an investor entity as of selected date
t(x)Different waterfall tier amount(s) calculated as per fund waterfall policy configuration
discountRateCarried interest discount rate as per carry adjustment policy configuration for the investor entity
carryAccruedToGpCarried interest accrued to GP as of the selected IRR date
netIrrIncludeCarryInternal rate of return using all capital call & distribution related cash flows and NAV after carried interest deduction of an investor entity as of selected date
asOfDateThe date for calculation of the IRR in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"

Fund level cash flow

The section refers to a fund vehicle's investments and fund operation-related cash flows (i.e. general income, general expense, investments), FMV and IRR information.

Field nameDescription
fundVehicleNameName of the fund vehicle
investorNameName of the investor entity
investmentFmvOrNavFMV => For Fund level cashflow
grossIrrInternal rate of return using investments-related cash flows and FMV before carried interest deduction as of selected date
netIrrInternal rate of return using all investments and fund operation-related cash flows and FMV before carried interest deduction as of selected date
t(x)Different waterfall tier amount(s) calculated as per fund waterfall policy configuration
asOfDateThe date for calculation of the IRR in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"

Deal-by-deal cash flow

The section refers to a fund vehicle's investments and fund operation-related cash flows (i.e. general income, general expense, investments), FMV and IRR information.

Field nameDescription
fundVehicleNameName of the fund vehicle
investorNameName of the investor entity
dealIdDeal ID
dealNameName of the deal
grossIrrInternal rate of return using investments-related cash flows and FMV before carried interest deduction as of selected date
netIrrInternal rate of return using all investments and fund operation-related cash flows and FMV before carried interest deduction as of selected date
t(x)Different waterfall tier amount(s) calculated as per fund waterfall policy configuration
asOfDateThe date for calculation of the IRR in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"

Transaction list

The nested object called recentTransactionList contains a list of all transactions allocated to the given investor with some other information described below

Field nameDescription
irrDateThe cash flow date (payment date of each transaction) in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD"
transactionDateTransaction date in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD"
transactionTypeCash flow transaction type
percentAllocationThe percentage of transaction's total amount that is allocated to the selected investor entity
amountThe amount allocated to the selected investor entity for that particular transaction
  "investorIrr": [
      "recentTransactionList": [
          "investorId": 31,
          "investorTypeId": 1,
          "investingEntityType": "Investor",
          "irrDate": "2017-01-01",
          "transactionId": 25,
          "transactionDate": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
          "transactionType": "Capital call",
          "totalAmount": 1030000,
          "allocationMethod": "",
          "percentAllocation": 0.004109708737864077,
          "amount": -4233,
      "fundVehicleId": 9,
      "fundVehicleName": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "investorId": 31,
      "investorName": "GP1",
      "investingEntityType": "Investor",
      "investmentFmvOrNav": 5260.3449902912635,
      "netIrr": 0.0596880867720201,
      "t1InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t2InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t3GpCatchupDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t4InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t4GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t5GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t5GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t5GpPostCatchup": 0,
      "t6GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t6GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "discountRate": 0,
      "carryAccruedToGp": 18203.883495145594,
      "netIrrIncludeCarry": 0.579225710968303,
       "asOfDate": "2020-09-30"
  "fundIrr": [
      "recentTransactionList": [
          "investorId": 31,
          "investorTypeId": 1,
          "investingEntityType": "Investor",
          "irrDate": "2019-05-01",
          "transactionId": 32,
          "transactionDate": "2019-05-01T00:00:00",
          "transactionType": "0036 - Company#1"
          "totalAmount": 250000,
          "allocationMethod": "Deal specific investment cost",
          "percentAllocation": 0.00410970873786407,
          "amount": 1027.42718446602,
      "fundVehicleId": 9,
      "fundVehicleName": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "investorId": 31,
      "investorName": "GP1",
      "investingEntityType": "Investor",
      "investmentFmvOrNav": 201.3757281553389,
      "grossIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "netIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "t1InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t2InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t3GpCatchupDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t4InvestorDistributionAmount": 989.6178640776697,
      "t4GPDistributionAmount": 247.4044660194174,
      "t5GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t5GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t5GpPostCatchup": 0,
      "t6GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t6GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "asOfDate": "2020-09-30"
  "dealByDealIrr": [
      "assetId": 0,
      "assetName": null,
      "dealId": 0,
      "dealName": "Total amount",
      "latestValuationDate": null,
      "ownerEntities": null,
      "recentTransactionList": [
          "investorId": 0,
          "investorTypeId": 0,
          "investingEntityType": null,
          "irrDate": "2019-05-01",
          "transactionId": 32,
          "transactionDate": "2019-05-01T00:00:00",
          "transactionType": "EQ - Sale",
          "instrument": null,
          "isNewDealType": false,
          "totalAmount": 250000,
          "allocationMethod": "Deal specific investment cost",
          "percentAllocation": 0.00410970873786407,
          "amount": 1027.42718446602
      "fundVehicleId": 9,
      "fundVehicleName": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "investorId": 31,
      "investorName": "GP1",
      "investingEntityType": "Investor",
      "investmentFmvOrNav": 201.3757281553387,
      "investmentCost": 0,
      "grossIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "netIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "t1InvestorDistributionAmount": 205.48543689320343,
      "t2InvestorDistributionAmount": 57.2882138582257,
      "t3GpCatchupDistributionAmount": 14.322053464556426,
      "t4InvestorDistributionAmount": 559.1680968213846,
      "t4GPDistributionAmount": 139.79202420534614,
      "t5GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5InvestorDistributionAmount": 179.79975728155455,
      "t5GPDistributionAmount": 77.05703883495194,
      "t5GpPostCatchup": 0,
      "t6GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t6GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "discountRate": 0,
      "carryAccruedToGp": 18203.883495145594,
      "netIrrIncludeCarry": 0,
      "asOfDate": "2020-09-30"
      "assetId": 71,
      "assetName": " asset",
      "isTotalAsset": true,
      "dealId": 0,
      "dealName": " asset (total)",
      "latestValuationDate": null,
      "ownerEntities": null,
      "recentTransactionList": [
          "investorId": 0,
          "investorTypeId": 0,
          "investingEntityType": null,
          "irrDate": "2019-05-01",
          "transactionId": 32,
          "transactionDate": "2019-05-01T00:00:00",
          "transactionType": "EQ - Sale",
          "instrument": null,
          "isNewDealType": false,
          "totalAmount": 250000,
          "allocationMethod": "Deal specific investment cost",
          "percentAllocation": 0.00410970873786407,
          "amount": 1027.42718446602,
      "fundVehicleId": 9,
      "fundVehicleName": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "investorId": 31,
      "investorName": "GP1",
      "investingEntityType": "Investor",
      "investmentFmvOrNav": 201.3757281553387,
      "investmentCost": 0,
      "grossIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "netIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "hurdleRateFmvOrNav": 262.77365075142916,
      "t1InvestorDistributionAmount": 205.48543689320343,
      "t2InvestorDistributionAmount": 57.2882138582257,
      "t3GpCatchupDistributionAmount": 14.322053464556426,
      "t4InvestorDistributionAmount": 559.1680968213846,
      "t4GPDistributionAmount": 139.79202420534614,
      "t5GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5InvestorDistributionAmount": 179.79975728155455,
      "t5GPDistributionAmount": 77.05703883495194,
      "t5GpPostCatchup": 0,
      "t6GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t6GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "discountRate": 0,
      "carryAccruedToGp": 18203.883495145594,
      "netIrrIncludeCarry": 0,
      "asOfDate": "2020-09-30"
      "assetId": 71,
      "assetName": " asset",
      "isTotalAsset": false,
      "dealId": 11,
      "dealName": "0036 - Company#1",
      "latestValuationDate": "2019-06-30",
      "ownerEntities": [
        "Fund vehicle #1"
      "recentTransactionList": [
          "investorId": 0,
          "investorTypeId": 0,
          "investingEntityType": null,
          "irrDate": "2019-05-01",
          "transactionId": 32,
          "transactionDate": "2019-05-01T00:00:00",
          "transactionType": "EQ - Sale",
          "instrument": null,
          "isNewDealType": false,
          "totalAmount": 250000,
          "allocationMethod": "Deal specific investment cost",
          "percentAllocation": 0.00410970873786407,
          "amount": 1027.42718446602,
      "fundVehicleId": 9,
      "fundVehicleName": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "investorId": 31,
      "investorName": "GP1",
      "investingEntityType": "Investor",
      "investmentFmvOrNav": 201.3757281553387,
      "investmentCost": 205.48543689320343,
      "grossIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "netIrr": 1.24756132182846,
      "hurdleRateFmvOrNav": 262.77365075142916,
      "t1InvestorDistributionAmount": 205.48543689320343,
      "t2InvestorDistributionAmount": 57.2882138582257,
      "t3GpCatchupDistributionAmount": 14.322053464556426,
      "t4InvestorDistributionAmount": 559.1680968213846,
      "t4GPDistributionAmount": 139.79202420534614,
      "t5GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t5InvestorDistributionAmount": 179.79975728155455,
      "t5GPDistributionAmount": 77.05703883495194,
      "t5GpPostCatchup": 0,
      "t6GpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6LpPreCatchup": 0,
      "t6InvestorDistributionAmount": 0,
      "t6GPDistributionAmount": 0,
      "discountRate": 0,
      "carryAccruedToGp": 18203.883495145594,
      "netIrrIncludeCarry": 1.17406010089213,
      "asOfDate": "2020-09-30"
  "fundVehicleList": [
      "id": 9,
      "name": "Fund vehicle #1",
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "carryConfigurationId": 1,
      "canShowDealByDeal": true