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Trial balance

API Reference:


Trial balance is a bookkeeping worksheet in which the balance of all ledgers are compiled into debit and credit account columns with the total amount being equal.

To retrieve an entity's trial balance

Request MethodGET
Request parameters1. entity ID: a fund vehicle or SPV ID
2. entity type: the value can either be "Fund vehicle" or "SPV"
3. accounting Level: can be one of the following values:
- 0 : Group by type
- 1 : Group by subtype
- 2 : Account level
- 3 : Sub-account level

4. From date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
5. To date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format

Trial balance output

    "accountId": 237,
    "accountName": "Fund I - USD Bank",
    "quantiumAccountCode": "110201",
    "otherAccountCode": null,
    "accountCategoryId": 1,
    "accountCategoryCode": 1,
    "accountCategory": "Asset",
    "accountCategoryDisplayName": "Asset",
    "accountTypeId": 1,
    "accountType": "Cash and cash equivalents",
    "accountSubTypeId": 2,
    "accountSubType": "Bank",
    "beginningBalance": -2000000,
    "debit": 0,
    "credit": 0,
    "endingBalance": -2000000,
    "showOpenAndEndBalance": true,
    "beginningDebit": 0,
    "beginningCredit": 2000000,
    "endingDebit": 0,
    "endingCredit": 2000000,
    "isSubType": false,
    "accountList": null,
    "id": 0,
    "parentId": 0
  // skip other accounts data for simplicity