Fund operation transactions with allocations
This endpoint returns multiple transaction matching request body. Its response also contained ‘allocations’ and additionally, ‘dynamicAllocations’. The dynamicAllocations property is an array containing object of every allocation’s cycle for each transaction. If a transaction is not set allocation type to a dynamic allocation, such transaction will not be added to response.
Value | |
HTTP Method | POST |
Path | /api/search/fundoperation/withallocations |
Reference | Link |
Request body values
Property name | Type | Required |
fromDate | String with format YYYY-mm-dd | No |
toDate | String with format YYYY-mm-dd | No |
fundVehicleIds | Array of numbers | Yes |
subTypes | Array of numbers | No |
spvIds | Array of numbers | No |
JSON format
"fromDate": "", // leave blank for a search without specific start date
"toDate": "", // leave blank for a search without specific end date
"fundVehicleIds ": [], // required**, please see the description in the above tables
"subTypes": [], // leave blank for all subtypes search
"spvIds": [] // required**, please see the description in the above tables
Response example
"transactionType":"Fund operation",
"entity":"Demo Fund I",
"subType":"Government annual filings"
"type":"General expenses",
"allocationRule":"Capital Commitment",
"type":"General expenses",
"cycle":"2022-01-02 - 2023-08-01",
"type":"General expenses",
Updated 5 months ago