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Create/Update/Delete Investee fund entities

Create Investee fund entity

This API creates an investee fund entity. The request body should be an object containing multiple fields. These fields can be found in the ‘Get Investee Custom Fields’ endpoint, where you can also check the required fields. The ‘fullName’ field must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

DescriptionCreate an investee fund entity.
Request ParametersscopeId: Scope internal id that a new investee fund creates on that scope.
Request Body{

“fullName”: string, “totalCommitment”: number, “fundCurrency”: string // 3 alphabets currency. ... // another field from ‘Get investee custom fields’ endpoint. }
Responses200 (OK): A new investee fund creates successfully.
400 (Bad Request): Required fields aren’t provided.
400 (Bad Request): ‘Full name’ duplicate with other existing investee funds.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.
403 (Forbidden): Token has no permission.

Update Investee fund entity

This API updates an investee fund entity. The {fundIdOrInternalId} parameter must be a valid value within the scope. The request body should be an object containing multiple fields. These fields can be found in the ‘Get Investee Custom Fields’ endpoint, where you can also check the required fields. The ‘fullName’ field must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

DescriptionUpdate an investee fund entity.
Request ParametersscopeId: Scope internal id that a new investee fund creates on that scope.
fundIdOrInternalId: The existing investee fund id or internal id that needs to update.
Request Body{

“fullName”: string, “totalCommitment”: number, “fundCurrency”: string // 3 alphabets currency. ... // another field from ‘Get investee custom fields’ endpoint. }
Responses200 (OK): A new investee fund updates successfully.
400 (Bad Request): Required fields aren’t provided.
400 (Bad Request): ‘Full name’ duplicate with other existing investee funds.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.
403 (Forbidden): Access token has no permission.
404 (Not found): fundIdOrInternalId value does not exist in our system.

Deactivate Investee fund entity

This API deactivates an investee fund entity. The {fundIdOrInternalId} parameter’s value must be valid and exist in the system.

DescriptionDeactivate an investee fund entity.
Request ParametersscopeId: Scope internal id that a new investee fund creates on that scope.
fundIdOrInternalId: The existing investee fund id or internal id that needs to update.
Request BodyN/A
Responses200 (OK): A new investee fund deactivates successfully.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.
403 (Forbidden): Access token has no permission.
404 (Not found): fundIdOrInternalId value does not exist in our system.