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Retrieve an asset entity

Retrieves the details of a single asset entity

To get asset information with a full list of fields (i.e. both standard and dynamic fields), the API is shown in the table below:

Request parametersAsset ID (string): An asset's unique ID which can be acquired by calling an asset list API
asOfDate (string): "YYYY-MM'DD" format

Parsing asset response

The return result of the asset list API is in an array of asset objects. Asset objects returned from the list API have both standard fieldsets which was described on the [Asset Entity] page and dynamic fieldsets.

For dynamic fields, their keys start with custom_<fieldnumber>, to map custom_<fieldnumber> with its label, please see a section on Reading asset custom fields list

  "name": "AA",
  "legalName": "",
  "chineseName": "",
  "sectorId": "2",
  "industryId": "3",
   ...//other standard fields
  "custom_1605597587566": "NYSE",

Reading asset custom fields list

To get a list of asset field metadata e.g. field labels, field type, and its group. You can use this Get Asset Fields List API /api/entities/asset/fields/list


The result is in a list of field groups and each group contains multiple fields list. You can then search for an attribute fieldName matches with the custom_<fieldnumber> to get more information about its labels.

        "category": "asset",
        "name": "Notes",
        "fields": [           
                "companyId": 1,
                "fieldName": "custom_1605597587566",
                "category": "asset",
                "label": "Stock Exchange ",
                "placeholder": null,
                "type": "Text",
                "value": null,
                "customFormat": null,
                "groupId": "5f0fddd4737fc14a1ce1da90",
                "group": "Notes",
                "groupOrdering": 0,
                "ordering": 0,
                "description": null,
                "datasources": null,
                "isDefault": false,
                "isRequired": false,
                "isReadOnly": false,
                "isToggleDisabled": false,
                "isColumnShown": false,
                "isEditableFromList": false,
                "allowNegative": true,
                "precision": 2,
                "objectId": "5fb3799338ad6c0f4818fe18",
                "optionItems": [],
                "internalId": "5fb3799338ad6c0f4818fe18",
                "id": 0
        "internalId": "5f0fddd4737fc14a1ce1da90",
        "id": 0