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Accounting journal


A journal is a detailed account that records a financial transaction of a fund vehicle and SPV

It may be generated automatically by the system when adding a transaction or created manually by user input


Field NameData TypeDescription
journalDatedatetimeDate of the accounting journal
"YYYY-MM-DD" format
entityIdintegerEntity's unique ID
entityTypestringType of entity:
"Fund vehicle"
isManualJournalbooleanWhether this journal is manually created by user
amountDebitnumberDebit amount
amountCreditnumberCredit amount
accountTypestringType of the account
accountSubTypestringSub-type of the account
chartOfAccountIdintegerChart of account's unique ID
isEliminatedbooleanWhether is is an inter-entity transaction between different entities controlled by the Master Fund
interEntitystringName of the inter-entity that relates to this journal
otherCurrencystringCurrency of the journal transaction

Example of accounting journal JSON data

    "journalDate": "2020-11-18",
    "isManualJournal": true,
    "entityId": 8,
    "entityType": "Fund vehicle",
    "entityName": "Fund I",
    "creditDebitEntries": [
            "amountDebit": 0,
            "amountCredit": 10,
            "otherCurrencyAmountCredit": 0,
            "otherCurrencyAmountDebit": 0,
            "isEliminated": false,
            "interEntity": null,
            "chartOfAccountId": 237,
            "chartOfAccountName": "Fund I - USD Bank",
            "chartOfAccountCode": "110201",
            "otherCurrency": "USD",
            "accountType": "Cash and cash equivalents",
            "accountSubType": "Bank",
            "amountDebit": 10,
            "amountCredit": 0,
            "otherCurrencyAmountCredit": 0,
            "otherCurrencyAmountDebit": 0,
            "isEliminated": false,
            "interEntity": null,
            "chartOfAccountId": 59,
            "chartOfAccountName": "Administrative expense",
            "chartOfAccountCode": "520101",
            "otherCurrency": "USD",
            "accountType": "General expenses",
            "accountSubType": "Accounting",