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Fetch Investee fund entities

List of all Investee fund entities

This API retrieves a list of all investee fund entities in the company. The response is an array of objects excluding custom/dynamic fields. If no investee fund entities are found, the API returns an empty array.

DescriptionGet list of investee fund entities in the company.
Request ParametersN/A
Request BodyN/A
Responses200 (OK): Return array of object. A new investee fund deactivates successfully.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.

List of Investee fund entities in a scope

This API retrieves a list of all investee fund entities within the scope. The response is an array of objects excluding custom/dynamic fields. If no investee fund entities are found, the API returns an empty array.

DescriptionGet list of investee fund entities in a scope.
Request ParametersscopeId: Scope internal id that a new investee fund creates on that scope.
Request BodyN/A
Responses200 (OK): Return array of object. A new investee fund deactivates successfully.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.
403 (Forbidden): Access token has no permission.

Get an individual investee fund entity with custom fields included

This API retrieves an investee fund entity based on a specific scope and either an ID or an internal ID. The response is an object that includes custom/dynamic fields. If the investee fund entity is not found, the API returns a 404 status code.

DescriptionGet an investee fund entity with custom/dynamic field.
Request ParametersscopeId: Scope internal id that a new investee fund creates on that scope.
fundIdOrInternalId: The existing investee fund id or internal id that needs to update.
asOfDate: The date that wants to retrieve custom/dynamic field data. Its format should be ‘YYYY-MM-DD'.
Request BodyN/A
Responses200 (OK): return Object, A new investee fund deactivates successfully.
401 (Unauthorized): Access token is not valid.
403 (Forbidden): Access token has no permission.
404 (Not found): fundIdOrInternalId value does not exist in our system.