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Investment transactions with allocations


This endpoint returns multiple investment transactions and valuations that match the request body. The response also contains ‘allocations’ and, additionally, ‘dynamicAllocations’. The dynamicAllocations property is an array containing objects for each allocation cycle of every transaction. If a transaction does not have its allocation type set to dynamic, it will not be included in the response. Users can use the ‘viewBy’ property to filter the returned transactions, which can be set to either ‘Investment’, ‘Valuation’, or an empty string to include both types.


Request body

Property nameTypeRequired
fromDateString with format YYYY-mm-ddNo
toDateString with format YYYY-mm-ddNo
fundVehicleIdsArray of numbersYes
viewByString null | “Investment” | “Valuation”No
spvIdsArray of numbersNo
assetIdsArray of numbersYes

Response body examples

viewBy: “Investment”:

      "entity":"Anaheim Electronics",
      "dealName":"2479 - Nu Gundam",
      "assetName":"Nu Gundam",
            "subType":"EQ - Common shares"
      "allocationRule":"Dynamic capital commitment",
            "investor":"Amuro Ray",
            "cycle":"2014-01-01 onwards",
                  "investor":"Jom LP2",

viewBy: “Valuation”:

      "entity":"Anaheim Electronics",
      "dealName":"2479 - Nu Gundam",
      "assetName":"Nu Gundam",
      "allocationRule":"Dynamic capital commitment",
            "investor":"Jom LP5",
            "cycle":"2014-01-01 onwards",
                  "investor":"Jom LP5",