Deal transactions
Deal transaction group in Quantium CORE allows users to add following types of transactions for fund vehicles and SPVs:
- Add, edit and delete new deal investments (equity, loans)
- Add, edit and delete dividend income transaction for equity investments
- Add, edit and delete interest income for loan investments
- Add, edit and delete deal-specific expense (including withholding taxes on sale)
- Add, edit and delete deal-specific income
- Add, edit and delete a committed deal
- Add, edit and delete a loan repayment
- Add, edit and delete an instrument conversion
- Add, edit and delete an investment cost adjustment transaction (adjust # of shares, adjust investment cost due to investment restructuring)
- Add, edit and delete a sale of investment (equity, loans)
Accounting journals
Accounting journals from deal transactions are generated to fund vehicle and SPV general ledgers automatically (including look through unrealized gain/(loss) of parent entities. Accounting journals are be manually edited by the user.
API Reference
Contact Quantium support team to get access to fund operations API reference details
Updated about 4 years ago